quotation junky. { portraiture. }

gesticulating, motions thatway ->.

{Friday, August 31}

scrabbled by james at 10:02 PM  
And whatever I do I can't get myself as one of the most recently published blogs. Sigh.
scrabbled by james at 10:01 PM  
nifty idea from the friend of the girl who's blog gave me the idea to do this. this guy's got his dates in french. ooh la la. I know. I'm special. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd easily amused. Don't forget that. Not that I'm going to do that now. Because that would be intellectual theft, in a way. Or not. Petty copying is the charge, and I would stand guilty. But I didn't commit the crime, so HAH! Now I need to find other things to amuse me. hm.

I really should be more consistent on my capitalisation. That's right, WITH AN S! No lousy Z for me! HAH!

God I find myself amusing. I'm a fucking riot.
scrabbled by james at 9:29 PM  
okay never mind... it's there now. I'll just shut up now and stop having conversations with myself.
scrabbled by james at 9:27 PM  
ARRRGH!!! I spent a good chunk of time on a post and now it won't publish!! ERRRRRR!!! And the 'publish' button that should be there won't be there. Mean thing.
scrabbled by james at 9:24 PM  
listening to the new new order single off their site... real audio. I'm not too big on streaming audio, but I like the song. I saw the video for it (it being Crystal) on the Wedge on Muchmusic last week. The video's not the greatest, but I think the song's good. Big on New Order and Joy Division. Excellent bands.

Saw an interesting movie last night. August 32 on Earth. Or, 32 aout sur la terre, if I'm remembering French well enough to translate. the director's from la belle provence. Again, I don't know if I'm getting the french right. It was a good movie though. As always, I missed the first fifteen or so minutes. I can never get those first few minutes. I have no idea why. Movies always start by the time I get to them. They must have something against me.

It's my friend's birthday tomorrow. So even though she's not going to read this (particularly since she doesn't even know it exists at the moment) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW TASHA!!! I've been using all caps a lot today. I normally hate caps. I'm usually a 'proper case' kind of guy, but right now, eh. Whatever. Et cetera. and so forth.

And I can't think of much else to write right now. I still have no idea if anyone's visited this yet, or if I'm just babbling to cyberspace. I suppose I could see about getting one of those people-tracker things on here or whatever that I have no idea about in the slightest. Then I could see that, yes, I've visited my site one hundred times and one person stumbled on by accident and promptly left. Then I would be soooooooooooooo special. Oh yeah.

Yeah. I think this is going to become my new web addiction, posting on here incessantly every time I'm on the net. Because I'm developing a compulsive personality. Checking things over and over again. And I've decided that the normal Crystal radio edit is better than the remix radio edit. I've always preferred the normal (not moral) versions of songs over their remixes, with rare exceptions. So. Yeah. So that's my new novel for the day. I'll stop now.
scrabbled by james at 9:04 PM  
YAY IT WORKED!!! Okay, now let's go on.
scrabbled by james at 9:02 PM  
okay, I just changed my template with what I worked on... hopefully it'll work. I have no idea, given that I'm new to this. Let's try this and see....

{Thursday, August 30}

scrabbled by james at 9:42 PM  
So yeah. I'm just sitting here, but I have nothing better to do, and I'm antsy. I'm feeling fidgety, and I want to do something here, so... I know it's only been maybe ten minutes tops, but I'm writing again because I can. I haven't altered the template for this yet, but I definitely want to. I really don't like the font too much, and everything's much too big. I'll be looking at the code for it in a bit offline and fixing it up into something I can deal with. So.

In the meantime... yeuch. And I'll just wonder if anyone's actually going to read this. So feel free to let me know if you have read it by mailing me and I'll feel all special as if someone acknowledged my existence. No, I don't get out much.

Yes, my tiny little town is dull and empty, and all my friends live elsewhere, pretty much. I'm gone come Monday, though, so let's hope things will be more interesting then.
scrabbled by james at 9:19 PM  
Hi... I've just screwed this up three times so far trying to get this first post. Don't I feel special.

I just decided to start this thing up after spending way too much time reading this girl's blog, so... yeah. I'm special. I find her interesting, though.

There's a ladybug flying around above me. I have no idea what the little guy's doing in here, but he's flittering around and doing a waltz with the chandelier. Yes, we have a chandelier. The roof is average height, though, so I end up walking into it all the time. Not a fancy chandelier, really, but hey. An ornate lighting fixture, if you must.

Yeah. I'm rather special. I like odd things and to talk about things that no one cares about. Tangents are fun, too. I like tangents. Yay tangents!

I'm moving out in about a week, actually. Next week I go to uni(ted ad)versity, and live in rez. Sorry about the affectation, everyone, but I came up with it earlier and I wanted to use it, despite it being idiotic. Now I won't go back and delete it, just to spite you. HA!

Yeah. I have waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on my hands.

yes, scrabbled.

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