quotation junky. { portraiture. }

gesticulating, motions thatway ->.

{Thursday, December 5}

scrabbled by james at 5:15 PM  
sky is dark blue-grey brown and yellow from clouds.
I'd like to do something about it. maybe paint a picture, take a photograph, something. I'm writing about it. colour through window.

I'd kind of like to take a photograph, if I had colour film in my camera. roll of black and white as it is. but the problem there; the problem that's always there in pictures is that the certain something, just something, which I'm trying to capture, is the most difficult part of a picture to retain. I think it's periphial vision.

I'm sure people have probably done this before, but I want to get a fish-eye lens for my camera, and then print the pictures on a concave surface stretched to their proper places in the view. get two fish eyes on opposite sides, combine them like this, and you've got virtual reality.

scrabbled by james at 3:35 PM  
I'm moving about my room shirtless hollering out joy division lyrics sipping ginger ale.
not wearing my glasses or contacts; everything's out of focus. but that's right for right now.
the blinds to my window are mostly closed; my room is fairly dark. this also feels right for now.
choice selections, 'unknown pleasures'.
just headed into shadowplay.

I remember hearing how martin hannett got the specific sound on these recordings: band played direct to the board, and after everything was recorded the master was played into a room and that was recorded as the new master copy. that's the specific reverb on a joy division recording.

you also have to respect a band which had no singles off of either of their albums. the albums were complete unto themselves; to take a single off of one would be to defile it. the singles were separate, and all the better for it.
one album song was re-recorded as a single; 'she's lost control', but that was a special case. the song was re-recorded to add an epilogue on to the end, after ian curtis found out some more information about the girl in question.
great band.

I'm ending this entry now.

yes, scrabbled.

Comments by: YACCS

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